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Workplace Ergonomics Program

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and Action.

Employee investment in the problems, along with early medical intervention and good open communications between Health Services and other treating clinicians, are key to success.


The health care providers must be accessible to the employees to facilitate treatment, surveillance activities, and recording of information. This may be accomplished via walkthroughs and educational initiatives. The walkthrough increases visibility and provides a forum for interaction and exchange of information.

Health Services undertakes educational initiatives for different types of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs), their causes, prevention, etc. These are carried out through new employee orientation, health forums, _Gazette_ articles, brochures, posters, etc.

Health Surveillance.

The Health Services Office serves as a principal member of the surveillance team assessing and analyzing symptoms surveys, and encouraging and receiving early reports of symptoms. This role is more clearly outlined under Surveillance.

Identification of Restricted-Duty Jobs

The objective of a restricted-duty assignment is to provide a chance for healing or rehabilitation of an injured area by assigning the worker to a position that does not involve the use of the injured muscle-tendon group. This type of assignment is individualized to each worker. A list or data base of jobs categorized according to ergonomic risk from high to low is to be developed. The identification process requires job analysis (see Analysis and Design of Jobs). As these job analyses are completed, relevant information is added to the official position description.

Medical Intervention.

Appropriate medical evaluation and care is essential to prevent the development of more serious medical problems. The main objective of medical management is to identify and treat disorders at a very early stage, and minimize progression or exacerbation. This includes health interviews and examinations. These examinations are in the form of, a baseline evaluation, a post conditioning period evaluation, and a periodic assessment. The baseline or preplacement exam would determine capabilities (as opposed to disabilities) and identify required job restrictions. The examinations are job-specific, based on the official position description, initiated by the supervisor or Human Resources, and administered by Health Services. The post-conditioning evaluation is done no later than 1 month after a new position is assumed to determine if there are symptoms consistent with the breaking in of muscles as opposed to the onset of a cumulative trauma disorder (CTD). The periodic assessment is oriented towards early detection of health changes in at-risk workers Responsibilities are outlined in Program Management.

Record-keeping, Data Evaluation, and Action.

It is important to maintain accurate records. OSHA logs, medical records, compensation reports, and Safety Services injury reports, as well as the results of symptoms surveillance, are the epidemiological tools in assessing the workplace and employees and determining trends and costs.


1. gopher://marvel.loc.gov:70/00/employee/health/ergonomics/program3

2. www.ergosci.com

3. www.osha.com

4. http://www.ergonomics.org/

5. http://www.combo.com/ergo/atwork.htm

6. http://www.usernomics.com/hf.html

7. http://www.cordis.lu/src/g_001_en.htm#SEARCH

8. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/jobstres.html

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