Библиография по перуанской археологии и искусству
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Библиография по перуанской археологии и искусству

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Larco Hoyle R. 1963. La cultura Santa. Lima.

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Lathrap D. W. 1963. Possible Affiliations of the Machalilla

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Lathrap D. W. and Rogs L. 1963. The Archaeology of the

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Mendel D. 1966. The Pottery of Chincha. - NP 4.

Menzel D. 1968a, La cultura Huari. - Las Grandes Civi-

lizaciones del Antiguo Peru, t. VI. Lima.

Menzel D. 1968b. New Data on the Huari Empire in Mid-

dle Horizon Epoch 2A. - NP 6.

Menzel D., Rome J. H. and Dan,son L. E. 1964. The Para-

cas Pottery of Ica. A Study in Style and Time. -

Menzel D. and Rogue J. H. 1966. The Role of Chincha in

late Pre-Spanish Peru. - NP 4.

Mesa F. J. y Gisbert C. T. 1957. Akapana. La piramida de

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Metraux A. 1941. Sobre la escritura de los Mochicas de

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O'Neale L. M. 1946. Mochica (Early Chimu) and Other

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Patterson T. C. 1966. Pattern and Process in the Early

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Patterson T. C. and Lanning E, P. 1964. Changing Settle-

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Paulsen A, C. 1968. A Middle Horizon Tomb, Pinilla, Ica

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