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indigena. - RGA, ano

XI, t. XXI, # 127.

Vivante A. 1946. Un antiguo juego peruano. Analisis de un

detalle de la decoracion de un fragmento de ceramics

mochica. - RGA, ano XIII, v. XXVI, # 154.

Vries H. de, Barendsen G, W. and Waierbolk H. T. 1958,

Groningen Radiocarbon Dates II. - S, v. 127, # 3290.

Wallace D. T. 1954. Proto-Lima Cloths form Maranga. -

In: Kroeber A. L. Proto-Lima. A Middle Period Culture

of Peru. Appendix II. Fi A, v. 44, # l.

Wallace D. T. 1962. Cerillos, an Early Paracas Site in Ica,

Peru. - A Ant, v. 27, # 3.

Wells 1. R. 1940. A Superficial Survey of Archaeological

Sites near La Oroya, Peru. - 27 ICA, session II, v, l.


Wendt I., Schneekloth H. and Budde E. 1962. Hannover

Radiocarbon Measurements I. - Rc, v. 4.

Wendt W. S. 1963. Die prakeramische Siedlung am Rio

Seco, Peru, - Baessler Archiv, N. F., XI, Heft 2.

Willey G. R. 1943a. Excavations in the Chancay Valley, -

In: Strong W. D, a. o. Archaeological Studies in Peru

1941 - 1942. CSAE, v. 1, # 3.

Willey G. R. 1943b. A Supplement to the Pottery Sequence

at Ancon. - In: Strong W. D. a. o. Archaeological Stu-

dies in Peru 1941 - 1942. CSAE, v. 1, # 4,

Willey G. R. 1945. Horison Styles and Pottery Traditions

in Peruvian Archaeology. - A Ant, v. 11, # 1.

Willey G. R. 1946a. The Chiclin Conference for Peruvian

Archaeology. - A Ant, v. XII.

Willey G. R. 1946b. The Viru Valley Program in Northern

Peru. - Ac Am, v. IV, #. 4.

Willey G, R. 1948. Functional Analysis of "Horison Sty-

les" in Peruvian Archaeology, - SAA - M, # 4.

Willey G. R. 1951. The Chavin Problem: a Review and

Critique. - SJA, v. 7, # 2,

Willey G. R. 1953. Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the

Viru Valley, Peru. - BAE - B, 155.

Willed G. R. 1955a. The Interrelated Rise of the Native

Cultures of Middle and South America. - In: New In-

terpretations of Aboriginal American Culture History.

The 75th Anniversary Volume of the Anthropological

Society of Washington.

Willey G. R. 1955b. The Prehistoric Civilizations of

Nuclear America. - AA, v. 57. # 3.

Willey G, R. 1958, Estimated Correlations and Dating of

South and Central American Cultural Sequences. -

A Ant, v. 23, # 4.

Willey G. R. ' 1959. The "Intermediate" Area of Nuclear

America: Its Prehistoric Relationships to Middle Ame-

rica and Peru. - 33 ICA, v. 1. San Jose.

Willey G. R, 1960. New World Prehistory. - S, v. 131,

M 3393.

Willey G, R. and Corbett J. M. 1954, Early Ancon and

Early Supe Culture. Chavin Horison Sites of the Cent-

ral Peruvian Coast. - CSAE, v. 3.

Willey G. R. and Phillips Ph, 1955. Method and Theory in

American Archaeology II: Historical-Developmental

Interpretation. - AA, v. 57, No 4.

Willey G. R. and Phillips Ph. 1958. Method and Theory in

American Archaeology. Chicago.

Yacovleff E. 1932. Arte antiguo peruano. La deidad primi-

tiva de los Nazca. - MN - R, t. 1, # 2.

Yacovleff E., Muelle J. C., Weiss P. y O'Neale L. M. 1932.

Una exploracion en Cerro Colorado. - MN - R, t. 1,

# 2.

Yamasaki F., Hamada T. and Fujiyama Ch. 1966. Riken

Natural Radiocarbon Measurements II, - Rc, v. 8.


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БСЭ - Большая Советская Энциклопедия.

СА - Советская археология.

СЭ - Советская этнография.

AA - American Anthropologist. Menasha.

A Ant - American Antiquity. Menasha - Salt Lake City;

Ac Am - Acta Americana. Los Angeles.

AMNH - American Museum of Natural History. New-


- AP - Anthropological Papers.

- HS - Handbook Series,

ANH - Academia Nacional de Historia. Quito.

- B - Boletin.

APS - American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia.

- P - Proceedings.

- T - Transactions.

AR - Anthropological Records. Berkley,

Ar - Archaeology. Cambrige, Mass.

BAE - Bureau of American Ethnology. Washington.

- B - Bulletin.

CA - Cuadernos Americanos. Mexico.

CIAT - Centro de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Ti-

wanaku. Tiwanaku - La Paz,

- P - Publucaciones.

CSAE - Columbia Studies in Archaeology and Ethnology.

New York.

EP - El Palacio. Sante Fe.

Fi A - Fieldiana: Anthropology. Chicago.

FMNH - Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago.

- AM - Anthropology Memoirs.

GR - Geographical Review. New York.

HSAI - Handbook of South American Indians.

ICA - International Congress of Americanists.

ILN - Illustrated London News. London.

MN - Museo Nacional. Lima.

NP - Nawpa Pacha. Berkley.


- Museo Nacional de Antropologia y Arqueologia.


- A - Arqueologicas.

- R - Revista.

PMAAE - Peabody Museum of American Archaeology

and Ethnology. Cambrige, Mass.

- P - Papers.

Rc - American Journal of Science. Radiocarbon (Ra-

diocarbon Supplement).

RAI - Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain

and Ireland. London.

- J - Journal.

RGA - Revista Geografica Americana. Buenos Aires.

S - Science. New York.

SAA - Society for American Archaeology. Menasha,

- M - Memoirs.

SAP - Societe clos Americanistes de Paris. Paris.

- J - Journal, n. s

SEEH - Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Historicos.

- B - Boletin Quito

SJA. - Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. Albu-


UC - University of Califorrsia. Berkeley - Los Angeles.

- PA - Publications in Anthropology.

- PAAE - Publications in American Archaeology

and Ethnology,

VFPA - Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology.

New York.

YAS - Yale Anthropological Studies. New Haven.

YU - Yale University. New Haven.

- PA - Publications in Anthrnpology.

ZE - Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie.

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