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Charles I

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the Treaty of Berwick in 1639, which closed this so called First Bishops War by referring all matters in dispute to the Scottish General Assembly and Parliament. But when the authorities promptly abolished Episcopacy in Scotland, Charles, on the advice of Wentworth now Earl of Stratford though of calling an English Parliament to help him against the obstinate Scots. So, on April 13, 1640, the strange sight, the Parliament was seen at Westminster. It is called the English history, the Short Parliament, for it lasted for a very little while. One of the members arose and said that the King had done unlawfully during the past twelve years so England was reduced. Other members also began to tell the truth but still with great patience and moderation. The King a little frightened sent to say that if they would garaunt him a certain sum on certain terms, no more ship money should be taken. The Parliament debated the matter for two days. So this was the end of the Sort Parliament. The King though disappointed in Parliament was still intent on punishing the Scots and by impressing recruits got together an army of sorts which marched north under Strafford and himself. So he reigned during 1625 – 1649 and died at the same time.

List of the Used Literature.

1. Y. B. Golitsinskiy. Great Britain.

2. J. J. Bell. The History of England.

3. L. V. Sidorchenko. Absolute Monarchy.

4. I. I. Burova. Just for Pleasure. Intermediate Level.

5. D. Capewell. The History of English Monarchy

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