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Word-formation of the English language. Conversion

Äîêóìåíò 1 | Äîêóìåíò 2 | Äîêóìåíò 3 | Äîêóìåíò 4

←ïðåäûäóùàÿ  ñëåäóþùàÿ→
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Ñêà÷àòü ðåôåðàò

Affix word-formation.

Derived nouns:

-derived nouns with agnative meaning.

affix pro-duc-tiv-ity w-f model meaning and seman-tic classes the us-age historic appear-ance and evo-lution com-ments

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the most pro-duc-tive. It has al-most absolutely pro-duc-tiv-ity.

The synonym suf -er, but less pro-duc-tive.

Is not very pro-duc-tive be-cause the se-man-tic class of V stems ca-pable to join this suf is not nu-mer-ous: they are the Vs with ‘to hang over’, ‘en-trust’ meaning


syn with ist in the meaning of a per-son but is less pro-duc-tiv-ity

it is an homonym of -ite1 and pro-duc-tive

syn with -er that

is why has the less pro-duc-tiv-ity.












Adj+man> N


-there are some nouns which means belong-ing to the place :Londoner, Englander.

-inhabitant of some area :foreigner, Britisher.

-Adj. means color or special indication. De-rivatives have the meaning of quality or indi-cation: greener, fresher ‘a stu-dent of the first year’.

-a person of an age: fifteeners, forty niner.

-value of money: fiver, 5$, 5 pounds; tenner 10$, 10p.

Agnetive mean-ing:

-profession ac-tivity of a per-son: sewer, singer, learner.

-a person acting in such way at that moment: singer, speaker, learner.

-a person who has the indica-tion and ability to do this action: swimmer.

Instrumental meaning: de-notes instru-ments, devices, etc: to sow >sower, to at-omize > atom-izer, to silence >silenser.

-science and technical terms: generator, indi-cator, radiator.

-instrumental meaning

-has the mean-ing of object of acting which denoted by the stem. This ob-ject can be di-rect or indirect , it depends on the object which the V stem needs: em-ployee ‘one who is em-ployee’, de-tainee ‘pris-oner’.

The active meaning ‘a per-son’. There are different nuance of meaning which depends on derivant stem:

-means a person whose occupa-tion marked by the stem: ma-chinist, auto-mobilist, violin-ist.

-a person occu-pied in that brunch of activ-ity which the stem denotes: geologist, bi-ologist.

-a follower of some doctrine, theory, idea, view, etc.: Dar-winist, Push-cinist.

-a supporter of a political and since tendency: communist, pacifist.

-inhabitant of the area, coun-try, island, town: Sydneyite, sub-urbanite, city-ite;

-a follower of the doctrine, since and politi-cal tendency, etc.: Hitlerite, Marxite.

-joins the stems of proper peo-ple’s names, who was the first who found out the mineral, chemical or ex-plosive sub-stance, or the place where they were first found or discovered: hauerite ‘after F Von Haure, Australian ge-ologist’, dolo-mite ‘after the French geolo-gist Dolomier’, yprite ‘from Ypres, a town in N W Bel-gium’.

-names of chemical or ex-plosive sub-stance where the main indications are denoted by the stem: sepio-lite < sepia (L: colour); speu-larite < specu-lar ‘reflecting’, speculum ‘re-flector’.

-denotes a per-son or a person used some in-strument: ice-man, logman, panman.

-a person living on the area: Englishman, Walshman.

-a person doing an action: watchman.2

ordi-nary speech


ordi-nary speech

dif-ferent brunches of sci-ence and agri-cul-ture

science speech

ju-ridi-cal and ad-min-istra-tive terms

ordi-nary speech

ordi-nary speech

sci-ence speech

ordi-nary speech

OE :



had the meaning ‘a person do-ing ... what the stem denotes’:

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